My favourite underground movies from the ’80s
Categories: General

Here’s a list of my favourite underground movies from the ’80s


Another state of mind, A Small & Peter Stuart, 1983 (US)

Bad day, Mody Frank, 1986 (US)

Bad Taste, Peter Jackson, 1987 (NZ)

– Burst City, Sogo Ishii, 1982 (JP)

Café Flesh, Stephen Sayadian, 1982 (US)

Caterpillar, Shozin Fukui, 1988 (JP)

Dead on my arm, Cassandra Stark, 1986 (US)

Decoder, Klaus Maeck, 1984 (DE)

Evil Dead Trap, Toshiharu Ikeda, 1988 (JP)

Fingered, Richard Kern, 1986 (US)

Geek Maggot Bingo, Nick Zedd, 1983 (US)

Gerorisuto, Shozin Fukui, 1986 (JP)

Goodbye 42nd street, Richard Kern, 1984 (US)

Last rights, Scott & Beth B., 1985 (US)

Liquid Sky, Slava Tsukerman, 1982 (US)

Love dolls superstar, David Marley, 1985 (US)

Marquis, Henri Xhonneux, 1989 (FR)

Me minus you, slave, Nick Zedd, 1981 (US)

Pirata!, Paolo Ciaffi Ricagno, 1984 (IT)

PoliceState, Nick Zedd, 1986 (US)

– Scanners, David Cronenberg, 1981 (CA)

Simonland, Tommy Turner, 1984 (US)

Split, Chris Shaw, 1989 (US)

Suburbia, Penelope Spheeris, 1983 (US)

Tetsuo: The Iron Man, Shinya Tsukamoto, 1989 (JP)

The bogus man, Nick Zedd, 1980 (US)

The Manhattan love suicide, Richard Kern, 1985 (US)

The right side of my brain, Richard Kern, 1984 (US)

The trap door, Scott & Beth B., 1981 (US)

Tokyo Fist, Shinya Tsukamoto, 1985 (JP)

Totem of the depraved, Ela Troyano, 1985 (US)

Trust in me, Nick Zedd, 1984 (US)

Vortex, Scott & Beth B., 1982 (US)

Whoregasm, Nick Zedd, 1988 (US)

Zombie hunger I & II, Richard Kern, 1983 (US)


























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